Our 1st year business students visited Ktima Gerovassiliou Vineyard, one of the biggest vineyards in Northern Greece.
Accompanied by Mr Stelios Kehaghias, Senior Lecturer at the Business Administration & Economics Department, students were given a tour at the beautiful vineyard, the winery - where the wine making procedure takes place - and the exquisite museum. During the visit students had the opportunity to learn more about the company’s management, policies, activities and philosophy.
The company visit took place in the context of the ‘Introduction to Management unit, led by Mr Kehaghias, and proved to be a particularly interesting, educational and - at the same time - fun experience.
Working with industry is crucial in building and enhancing our students’ employability skills. The intention of company visits is to give students, who will soon enter the workforce, exposure to business culture, working environments and contemporary business practices.