The South East European Research Centre (SEERC) has been recently acclaimed at the 5th Ajman International Environment Conference on Climate Change and Sustainability (United Arab Emirates, 6th - 7th March 2018) by being awarded a conference participation grant in order to show-case expertise on sustainable transportation decision-making in the context of smart cities. The work has been developed by Dr Adrian Solomon, Project Manager at SEERC and Lecturer at the University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College, in collaboration with Prof. Panayiotis Ketikidis, Vice Principal, University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College and aims at providing policy guidelines for industries and local governmental bodies in terms of ensuring proper implementation of sustainable transportation strategies.
This expertise was also previously show-cased at the 14th International Technology, Knowledge and Society Conference (1-2 March 2018, New York, USA). All these efforts are also tangent with SEERC's efforts to develop the Advanced Resource Efficiency Centre (AREC) Europe's efforts and ensure proper knowledge and technology transfer to the regional and global industry (USA, UK, Europe and Asia).