Exam time: Finding Study space and Support from the Library
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece

Exam time: Finding Study space and Support from the Library

Exam Period. The Library is here to support you!

Here is everything you need to know about using the Library resources and facilities during the Exam period.


Exam Reading Material

  • Make sure you have downloaded all the necessary Study material, including Textbooks, Recommended Readings and any extra Module-related material provided by your lectures, as available in the OpenABEKT Library Catalogue and in Google Classroom.
  • Previous editions of Textbooks (print copies), when available in the library collections, are loanable to students.
  • Current editions of print Textbooks may be used for studying only within the premises of the Library. Copies can be found at the Reserve Collection area.


Studying and Working in the Library

  • Library staff is here to help you through your exam preparation. If there is something you need, ask for help.
  • Use the library’s bookable Project and Working Rooms, the Group Working Room or Open access spaces to study during opening hours: Monday to Friday: 10:00-20:00 and Saturdays: 09:00-14:00

Remember that the Green Reading Room – our inclusive study & work facility remains open 7 days a week.

  • Weekdays: 08.30-21.45
  • Weekends: check monthly schedule

Please be considerate and keep the study areas clean and tidy for other users.

You are reminded to keep your belongings safe in Lockers during the day.


Tips for exam success

  • Make sure you take full advantage of all Library Resources, Services and Facilities during your exam studying period.
  • As this period you will be spending longer hours studying, it is very important that you eat healthy, drink water and remember to take short breaks during the day to relax.
  • Time management is important. Structure each day and try to follow your study programme.
  • Write down the location, day and time of your exams.

You’ll find further guidance and advice in our Skills Guides, along with extra tips on revision and ideas for how to manage your time effectively.


The Library wishes all students the best of luck with their exams!


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