Academic Position |
Associate Professor, Principle Ethics Administrator for CSD, co-Director for MSc programs |
Academic Qualifications |
Office | L. Sofou Building, 6th floor |
Office Hours |
Monday - Friday 10:00 - 18:00. Book an appointment with me, (30 minutes slots). |
Telephone | 2310 536544, 528450 (ext. 113) | | |
Skype | k.dimopoulos |
Dr Konstantinos Dimopoulos is an accociate professor in the Department of Computer Science at CITY College. He is the coordinator of the UG projects and the pricipal research ethics administrator of the Department. He is teaching six UG and two PG units and has designed over seven new teaching modules at the college. He has participated to two EU projects. In the past he has worked as a research assistant at the University of Reading where he was also a part time lecturer. He has worked with the application of Neural Networks as nonlinear identifiers for the purpose of control and linearisation of nonlinear systems. He has also worked with the investigation of nonlinear control strategies and their application on robotic manipulators. He is currently working on mobile robots, algorithms of networked systems, simulated life and neural networks.
“Robotics”, “Neural Networks”, “Biologically inspired computation”, "Science communication".
Stamatopoulou I., Dimopoulos K., and Kefalas P. Teaching, learning and assessment of agents and robotics in a computer science curriculum. In M. Ivanovic, C. Badica, J. Dix, Z. Jovanovic, M. Malgeri, and M. Savic, editors, Intelligent Distributed Computing XI (IDC'17). Studies in Computational Intelligence, volume 737 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Cham, 2018.
Mustafa, E., & Dimopoulos, K. (2014). Sign Language Recognition using Kinect. In Proceedings of the 9th South East European Doctoral Student Conference DSC2014. Thessaloniki, Greece.
Dimopoulos, K., Solomon, A., & Tanis, C. (2013). Science and Informal Education as Innovation Drivers in South East Europe: the case of the first SEE Science Festival. In Proceedings of the 6th Balkan Conference of Informatics (BCI 2013),. Thessaloniki, Greece: ACM International Conference Proceedings.
Kos, M., Filipaj, J., Drecun, A., & Dimopoulos, K. (2013). Dreams can come true: Science Centres of South East Europe. In Panel session at ECSITE 2013. Gothenburg, Sweden.
O. Paunovski, G. Eleftherakis, K. P. Dimopoulos and T. Cowling, "Evaluation of a selective distributed discovery strategy in a fully decentralized biologically inspired environment ", Information Sciences, 2009.
O. Paunovski, G. Eleftherakis, and K. P. Dimopoulos, "Evaluation of selective distributed discovery within distributed bio-active agent community," in 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC'2008) Catania, Italy, 2008.
K. P. Dimopoulos and C. Kambhampati, "Alternative Dynamic Network Structures for Non-linear System Modelling," in 10th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN07)Thessaloniki, Greece, 2007.
G. Eleftherakis, K. P. Dimopoulos, and A. Sotiriadou, "Enhancing Student Communication Skills-the Case of the International Students Spring Symposium," in Informatics Education Europe II (IEEII) Thessaloniki, Greece, 2007.
K. P. Dimopoulos and C. Kambhampati, “Apriori Information in Network Design,” in Dealing with Complexity: A Neural Network Approach. M. Karny, K. Warwick, and V. Kurkova., Eds., 1998.
K. P. Dimopoulos, C. Kambhampati, and R. J. Craddock, “Efficient recurrent neural network training incorporating a priori knowledge,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 52, pp. 137-162, 2000.
Postal Address: L. Sofou 3, Thessaloniki, GR54626, Greece
Tel.: (+30)2310 536 544 (ext. 113)
Fax.: (+30) 2310 282 384