City College
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus
York, UK
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece

07 April 2013

BAED students visit NOESIS Museum in Thessaloniki

On Wednesday 20th March 2013 a group of postgraduate students from the Business Administration and Economic Department (BAED) made a field trip to NOESIS, the Science Center and Technology Museum in Thessaloniki.

BAED students visit NOESIS Museum in Thessaloniki

The visit took place as additional activity of the “Festivals and Events Management” module. Accompanied by the module leader, Dr Ana Cruz , the students met Dr. Tanya Kiriakidou, project manager for radio Awards at Noesis who shared insights into the organization of the Radio Awards in Greece. Radio Awards is a contest organized by Noesis aiming at honoring the best radio station and presenter in Greece and Cyprus. Students contributed creative ideas that are considered to be implemented in next year's Awards. They also enjoyed the interactive exhibitions, the planetarium and a very thrilling ride in the simulator!

BAED students visit NOESIS Museum in Thessaloniki

The students enjoyed this field trip experience and had the opportunity to get first-hand information about the organization of the radio awards. The International Faculty is always happy to give its students the opportunity to visit organizations and take a glimpse on real life business environments.

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