City College
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus
York, UK
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece

2016 - Publications

Humanities Department

Kleidona, E., (2016). “The Significance of Orality and Performativity in Jayne Cortez’s Poetry.” Poeticanet 26: n.pag. Web. 23 Jan. 2017

Kosior, M., Mantzaris, T. and Tatsioka, Z., (2016). Renegotiating the Basics: Learner Autonomy. In Proceedings of the 23rd International IATEFL Conference. When Inspiration is Born, Terme Topolšica, Slovenia. 

Mantzaris, T., (2016). Review of Storyworlds across Media: Towards Media-Conscious Narratology, Ryan, M.L. and Thon, J.N. (eds) Reviewed in GRAMMA: Journal of Theory and Criticism 23:167-169.  Available from:

Marazi, K., (2016). Book Review: Ahu Tanrisever. Fathers, Warriors, and Vigilantes: Post-Heroism and the U.S. Cultural Imaginary in the Twenty-First Century. European Journal of American Studies [Online]



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