City College
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus
York, UK
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece



We are interested in using neuroimaging methods to develop biomarkers for neurodevelopmental disorders. We are particularly interested in reaching a better understanding of the Autism Spectrum Disorder so that the lives of children who suffer from this disorder can be improved through technology enabled training and interventions such as robotics and serious games. Our research also focuses on exploring the impact of traumatic brain injury on brain maturation and development in young people.


Ageing in health and pathology 

We strive to understand cognition and emotion in patients with Dementia, Parkinson, and Neurovascular disorders with the aim of improving their lives through earlier diagnoses and novel non-invasive therapeutical approaches. Our research also focuses in understanding how social and behavioural risk factors interact with brain mechanisms responsible for cognitive and daily functionality in healthy older adults. And, with the use of technology and robotics, apply the knowledge generated to improve their well-being.


Affective Neuroscience

Our research employs human connectivity, and graph theoretical modeling to investigate affective modulation in the healthy and pathological brain. We are interested in unraveling brain mechanisms of the so-called moral emotions (e.g, shame, guilt and self-disgust) in healthy populations and in conditions with impulse control problems (e.g, Parkinson disease, gambling). 



This strand of research aims at understanding and decoding customer’s emotions, feelings and perceptions towards products and services, so as to better explain and predict consumers’ decision making process and behaviours. By integrating information from neural (EEG) and physiological (e.g, Heart Rate variability and skin conductance) activity with behavioural (e.g, eye tracking) and psychometric measures we expect to better comprehend what is behind customer’s desires and choices.



Our research strives to understand how the brain processes financial information, and makes decisions in the light of psychological, emotional, individual and stress-related biases. The recently developed field of neurofinance is a response to the failure of standard finance theories, which viewed investors as rational agents, to explain individual and market behaviour. Our research aims at combining recent insights and methodologies from neuroscience with traditional theories of finance to better explain how leaders, organizations and investors make financial decisions. This promising emerging field has the potential to impact society by improving retirement plans and wealth management among others.


Nature inspired computing and Sensor networks

Our research aims to study emergent phenomena in natural systems in order to devise biologically (nature) inspired artificial solutions, and using innovative Internet of Things architectures and sensor networks, to inform neuroscience and behavioural models.



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